Its important, that you use this format, or your application will be denied.
First name: mention your first name (For example: Oliver)
Ingame Name: mention your ingame name (For example: Eclipse)
Age: mention your age (For example: 16)
Experience: mention ur experience before (For example: Have been moderator in other server quite long, ..)
When did you join Legion-Scape, where did you hear about it? mention when you joined the server and where did you hear about it (For example: First time i heard of Legion-Scape from my classmate.)
Why should we choose you instead of him/her? have some good reasons, why should we pick you (For example: Because I have been playing this server for a long time now.)
What times can you be online on the server? mention how many hours and when can you be online (For example: In weekdays 5-8, in the weekend 24 hours straight)
Try to tell us, what would you do solving a case: mention what will you do, if u can/can't any commands to use. (For example: If there was a player who has been flaming a lot, I would...)
Short self-introduction: ...
- You need to be active on the server.
- If your application is formatted incorrectly or with false information, then your application will be denied.
- If your application gets denied, you can re-apply after 1 week.
- Our staff team and other important persons' approvement.
- You need to be able to speak English.
- You need to be active on the forums long before applying (not a spammer, but a active user).
- Atleast 15 years old, but we can make exceptions (rarely).
- Mature behaviour/chatting + good judgement power.
- You need to be active on the server long before applying.
- You need to know all the rules.
First name: mention your first name (For example: Oliver)
Ingame Name: mention your ingame name (For example: Eclipse)
Age: mention your age (For example: 16)
Experience: mention ur experience before (For example: Have been moderator in other server quite long, ..)
When did you join Legion-Scape, where did you hear about it? mention when you joined the server and where did you hear about it (For example: First time i heard of Legion-Scape from my classmate.)
Why should we choose you instead of him/her? have some good reasons, why should we pick you (For example: Because I have been playing this server for a long time now.)
What times can you be online on the server? mention how many hours and when can you be online (For example: In weekdays 5-8, in the weekend 24 hours straight)
Try to tell us, what would you do solving a case: mention what will you do, if u can/can't any commands to use. (For example: If there was a player who has been flaming a lot, I would...)
Short self-introduction: ...
- You need to be active on the server.
- If your application is formatted incorrectly or with false information, then your application will be denied.
- If your application gets denied, you can re-apply after 1 week.
- Our staff team and other important persons' approvement.
- You need to be able to speak English.
- You need to be active on the forums long before applying (not a spammer, but a active user).
- Atleast 15 years old, but we can make exceptions (rarely).
- Mature behaviour/chatting + good judgement power.
- You need to be active on the server long before applying.
- You need to know all the rules.